
How To Convert Windows Vista To Windows 8

Nosotros keep to expect at upgrading from previous versions of Windows to Windows 8. Windows Vista came to marketplace in January of 2007 after 5 years of development. It was Microsoft'due south most ambitious release at the time. Windows Vista had its share of execution failures, originally intended equally a 2nd Edition of Windows XP planned for 2004, the upgrade code named Longhorn most of its evolution life promised to revolutionize calculating. Those plans notwithstanding were held back by its becoming a moving target and added heft throughout development. Windows Vista focused on and then many things that in some respects, it lost focused.

I personally ran Windows Vista from the first build released in August 2005 correct upwardly to the RTM released in Jan 2007. Office of Vista's problem was perception. Vista ran beautifully on capable hardware that was configured with enough RAM and acceptable processor speed. When build 5308 was released in Feb 2006, it was obvious 512 MBs of RAM would not be sufficient to run information technology, so I took advantage of the depreciating RAM prices and installed a 2 GB kit. I never looked dorsum.

Windows Vista'southward other problem was compatibility out of the box. A lot of this was as a result of how the hardware and software industry embraced Vista. The cistron that too led to that was Vista'due south increasing moving target schedule. A lot of IHV's and ISV'due south didn't start preparing updates to their products until Microsoft really sent Windows Vista to manufacturing. This pretty much left Vista with express support at launch. Eventually products were ready for the operating organization at least a couple months after its release. Driver and software support profoundly improved within the showtime half dozen months. The initial experience by many though left a lasting impression that exist to this solar day.

Other factors were Vista's configuration on new machines. I noted that I had to  upgrade my installed RAM to sufficiently run the OS. Many OEM'southward out the gate were selling systems with 512 MBs of RAM which was just not appropriate to run the operating organization.

So, we covered a bit of history surrounding Vista. Now lets wait at upgrading from it. Vista still be on quite a few systems, but its dwindling fast, from a superlative of twenty% in 2009 to vi% in 2012.

Arrangement Requirements

Earlier you lot tin can upgrade to Windows 8, you demand to come across the minimum system requirements. If y'all run across the post-obit, you should be in good shape.

Whether y'all accept a logo PC or you lot've built your ain PC, the recommendations for the Windows 8 include:

  • ane GHz or faster processor
  • one GB RAM (32-chip) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit)
  • 16 GB available hard disk space (32-scrap) or 20 GB (64-bit)
  • DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM i.0 or higher driver

One new chemical element to Windows 8 is the requirement that Metro way applications take a minimum of 1024×768 screen resolution, and 1366×768 for the snap feature. If you effort to launch a Metro style app with less than this resolution (due east.g. 800×600, 1024×600) you will receive an error message.

Can you really upgrade?

In truth, Windows 8 does not support a directly upgrade from Windows Vista. This means yous will have do a custom install, which ways, whatsoever applications or drivers y'all currently have installed volition have to be reinstalled. Yous might likely demand updated drivers for some hardware. Windows 8's built in upgrade compatibility wizard should help you determine what is compatible and needs to be removed earlier proceeding with the upgrade. Migrating from Vista to Windows 8 will preserve your personal files and settings though.


  • Get together all important application discs and hardware driver discs y'all might need to be reinstalled.
  • Cheque the manufacturer and software developers website for updates available and to discover out almost the status of compatibility with Windows 8. It is possible that if the software is uniform with Windows Vista it volition likely piece of work with Windows 8 since they share the same driver model.
  • If y'all are using software such as iTunes or Adobe programs, recall to deauthorize and deactivate them before running setup.

Backup your Data:

When making significant changes to your reckoner such as an upgrade, it is always recommended you fill-in your organisation prior to installing a new version of Windows. Windows Vista depending on the edition you are running includes some form of fill-in. If you are running editions such as Windows Vista Business organization, Enterprise or Ultimate editions, you can use the built in Complete PC Backup of your Vista installation. This can exist very handy in case your Windows viii installation fails. For instructions about how to use Complete PC Fill-in, see the following article here. Of class, y'all will demand an external hard disk for this task.

If you are running editions such as Windows Vista Starter, Home Basic or Home Premium, the only backup option available the standard backup and restore which archives your Account folders with some settings. If you demand an choice like to Complete PC Backup, yous will need a third party too.

Check out the following article past Microsoft MVP JW Stuart about how to backup a Windows installation here using Acronis True Prototype here

Another solution you tin utilize for bankroll up Windows Vista is Easeus To Do Fill-in, JW Stuart besides has an commodity virtually information technology here

Other steps you tin use to ensure your information is rubber before upgrading is creating a Windows Piece of cake Transfer backup. Acquire more than here This option is quite limited and should only be used if do not plan on returning to Windows Vista since Easy Transfer backups tin only be restored in Windows 8 or Windows 7.

What you can do before attempting the upgrade?

You can do some pre-requisite tasks to ensure a smooth migration from Windows Vista to Windows 8. If you lot are using a name branded reckoner such equally a Dell or HP, go to the manufacturers website for the model reckoner you are using and download the latest bachelor drivers for that calculator. Shop them on a disc or USB thumb drive. Important drivers you should try to obtain include Network and Video Drivers. Its possible that they might just have Windows Vista or Windows 7 drivers, those will work with Windows 8.

Other things you can practice:

  1. Uninstall any security software before attempting to upgrade.
  2. Disable any encryption software you might have installed such as BitLocker Drive Encryption, Folder Encryption.
  3. Disable/uninstall deejay utility software such as DVD/CD burning utilities or third political party defragment programs such every bit Perfect Disk.
  4. Make sure your computer is updated (devices and applications).
  5. Disconnect whatsoever external devices before installing.
  6. Cheque your hard disk for any errors:
    – Click Kickoff
    – Type: CMD
    – Right click CMD and so click Run as ambassador
    At the Command Prompt, type: chkdsk /r /f
    Leave the command prompt.
    When yous restart your system, your computer volition be scanned for errors and attempts will be fabricated to correct them.
  7. Another thing you tin can do is disable Beginning items:
  • Click Outset
  • Type: MSCONFIG.
  • Hit Enter on your keyboard
  • On the General tab, click Selective Startup.
  • Nether Selective Startup, click to articulate the Load Startup Items check box.
  • Click the Services tab, click to select the Hide All Microsoft Services check box, and then click Disable All.
  • Click OK.
  • When y'all are prompted, click Restart.
  • After the computer starts, check whether the problem is resolved.

32 or 64 chip

My recommendations depend on what you have installed. If yous currently have 32 bit Windows Vista installed, apply 32 bit Windows 8. If yous have 64 scrap Vista, use 64 chip Windows viii. This is to ensure a polish migration, specially where driver compatibility is concerned. Some other cistron is RAM. If you lot have max iii to four GBs of RAM, and then 32 bit should be sufficient for your needs. If you lot happen to accept iv to eight GBs or more RAM, then 64 bit would be suitable.

Windows 64 fleck comes in handy when you demand to address at to the lowest degree iv GBs or more of RAM. Windows 32 bit can employ up to 3.2 GBs of RAM. Considering the memory address space is much larger for 64 bit Windows, that means, you need twice every bit much retentiveness than 32 scrap Windows to accomplish some of the same task, merely you are able to do so much more than, you can have more applications open, do things like run an Antivirus scan in the background without it affecting your system operation. Windows 64 fleck is more secure too, malicious code cannot easily infiltrate it, drivers are more reliable since they must exist signed before they tin piece of work with 64 bit Windows.

Every bit for compatibility, yous will need 64 fleck device drivers for any hardware devices yous might take. Also, there is no xvi bit subsystem in Windows 64 flake, which means, your applications must be 32 chip just, non 16 bit installer or uninstallers.

Starting setup

To starting time the installation, start kick to the Windows Vista desktop. If you lot are installing Windows 8 from a physical DVD these instructions will apply to you. Insert the Windows 8 disc. When the AutoPlay window appears, click 'Run setup.exe'. Click Continue when prompted past User Account control.


Setup volition then begin.


Look while setup prepares to install Windows 8.


If prompted to get updates, I recommend you do then. If you lot are not continued to the Cyberspace, select 'No, thanks'.


Enter your production key. If you purchased Windows 8 from the Microsoft Store and you are using the Windows 8 Upgrade Assistant, the central will be embedded. If you lot download a .ISO file or purchased Windows 8 on DVD, check your email when y'all registered to purchase the upgrade or check your Windows 8 product packaging for the product cardinal. Afterwards Entering the product key, click Next to continue with setup.


Read and Take the Terminate User License Agreement.


At present this is an of import part of setup. If you take any personal files on your reckoner, those volition exist preserved when you select 'Keep personal files only' forth with your Windows Settings. You accept the option of only preserving personal files only. Equally noted before, you will need to reinstall programs and drivers for your hardware devices. If you choose Nothing, Windows 8 will place your files in a folder called Windows.old. After making your decision, click Side by side.


Wait while Windows eight does some concluding checks.


Depending on your configuration, Windows 8 setup might inquire you lot to uninstall a plan or commuter then restart your organisation before it can proceed with the upgrade. Don't worry though, Windows eight will resume setup automatically. In my example, Windows 8 setup needed a restart earlier it could continue.


Later on restarting, Windows eight setup, asked if I would similar 'Keep from where I left off'. I clicked Next and setup resumed.


At the summary screen, review the changes that volition be made to your computer. If you are not sure, click Back and make any appropriate changes. As noted, you volition not be able to apply your computer during this period. The fourth dimension it takes complete the upgrade will be dependent on your system specifications such equally processor speed, memory and your data ready. Click the Install button to begin.


Windows 8 setup will go into total screen mode and restart several times.


After your estimator restarts, Windows eight will continue setup. Windows setup will become through several screens indicating Tasks it needs to complete:

  • Windows setup will say its 'Preparing'
  • Getting your devices ready.
  • Getting system fix

Then restart and setup will keep.


Windows 8 will now indicate it is 'Moving your settings'

Out of Box Experience.


You will now go far at the Out of Box Experience where you volition setup and personalize your Windows experience.


The start option presented is the Color Picker, hither you can choose a color that represents you. You have up to 25 to choose from. If you lot tin't decide at present, yous can always do it afterward. Click Side by side


The settings screen screen allows you lot to customize whether you desire to accept Microsoft send information about Windows to Microsoft to ensure it runs smoothly. Click Utilise Express settings. If you rather not, you can click Customize.


Confirm countersign which you lot had used to log into your Windows Vista account. Click Adjacent


You lot have the option of setting upwardly a Microsoft Account which allows yous sync your Windows Settings across multiple Windows eight devices. Yous can sync some passwords, themes and application settings. If yous don't desire to do that correct now, click Skip. You can always switch to a Microsoft Business relationship later. Windows 8 will instead apply your existing business relationship equally a Local account.


  • Wait while Windows 8 finalizes your settings.


Wait while Windows 8 does some final configuration.


You have successfully migrated from Windows Vista to Windows 8. To check if your files are in that location, launch the Windows Desktop App.


Launch File Explorer on the Windows Taskbar and open up documents and you should see all your files previously in Windows Vista.

You lot can proceed to reinstall your applications and install your drivers.

For more data almost how to install applications Windows 8, see the post-obit article:

How to install apps in Windows viii | Teching Information technology Piece of cake: with Windows


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